AMICI ARMIS is a bilingual HEMA event taking place in Sherbrooke. The goal is to highlight the diversity of martial traditions in Europe. With 24 workshops focusing on more than a dozen weapons, participants will be able to discover new sources, fight with new weapons, and meet new fencing partners.

Register by filling the form below.


The cost for attendance is $200 CAD.

For students enrolled in a college or university the fee is $160 CAD.

If you are experiencing financial hardship but wish to attend let us know and you may pay the student fee.

The registration deadline is March 29. The minimum age to attend the event is 16 years.

Once you have registered, you will receive an invoice via PayPal in the following week. If you haven't received the invoice 7 days after your registration, please contact us by email at

Payment must be received before the registration deadline, or you will lose your place at the event.


The venue will be divided in four distinct sections in order to accomodate three simultaneous workshops and a section reserved for free sparring.

Each day will be divided in four period, two in the morning and two in the afternoon, and each of these periods will host a longsword workshop, a one-handed sword workshop and a third workshop on another weapon. All workshops will be translated, assuring accessibility to both French and English-speakers. . We make sure this way that everyone will find a workshop fitting their interest at anytime.

Participant may spar at any moment on the designated area, but each participant are responsible for their own safety and the safety of their partners. Please, be safe and be responsible. Some instructors will offer coached sparring in order to further your skills and technics.


AMICI ARMIS will be held in the gymnasiums (over 2000 m2) of the Cégep de Sherbrooke’s Physical Activity Center (address: 1-21-000, 355 Rue du Cégep, Sherbrooke). Lockers, toilets, and showers are available on site. There is ample parking, and many buses connect the hotel to the Cégep.

You can book a room at the Grand Times Hotel in Sherbrooke. We have an agreement with them allowing you to book a room for $160.99+tx per night ($20 per additional person). This includes the night and a continental breakfast. The hotel is located 7 minutes by bus from the convention site. To take advantage of this rate, use the code AMI130424. You have until the 5th of march to profit from this deal. Feel free to contact us if you are looking for roommates.

For students and people with modest incomes, it is possible to arrange accommodation with a member of the Sherbrooke club (limited spaces). Write to us if needed.


La Faim des temps, a Sherbrooke company, will offer catering service for lunch at the convention site at a cost of $16 (taxes included) per meal. This includes a sandwich, salad, and dessert. Refreshments will also be offered. To reserve your place, contact the caterer:

If you do not subscribe to the catering service, we recommend that you bring a packed lunch as the nearest restaurant is a 15-minute walk away.

Restaurant suggestions will be sent to you before the convention for other meals.

IT IS NO LONGER POSSIBLE TO ORDER A T-SHIRT. We will have a few extras, but we can no longer guarantee that your size will be available. Please indicate whether you would like one and your size in the registration form below and you will be billed accordingly. Designed by - Xavier Jacques


Two social evenings are planned for Friday and Saturday. More information will be revealed in the coming weeks.